When search engine optimization (SEO) comes to mind, you likely jump right to Google. This assumption totally makes sense. Google is by far the most powerful and popular search engine out, no debate is needed. Google is not the only search engine, however. Other search engines can be more powerful (for your business) than Google. Nowhere near as big or popular, but potentially just as lucrative. A search engine that gets left out and might not come up in the conversation is YouTube.
Youtube is most definitely a search engine that can provide significant value for your organization. YouTube is a video library that utilizes a search bar similar to Google’s search bar. YouTube has its own algorithm to aid in what appears first in the SERPs. Exactly like Google. The benefit of a strong YouTube presence is managing another avenue to capture web traffic for your brand and direct them to your site. We will discuss how South Jersey SEO companies and organizations can use YouTube to help out themselves and their clients.
The same way you would start off practicing SEO to improve your Google search ranking, you start off on the same foot for YouTube SEO as well. That first step is keyword research. Keyword research is a little different for YouTube. YouTube contains longer keyword phrases such as “how to…” or “review of…” The best way to research keywords for YouTube is to look at your current keywords for Google and see if they provide video results. Usually, your keyword list will have a decent-sized list of video recommendations associated with that keyword. Those video recommendations usually contain a couple of YouTube videos. That is where you want to be.
After your keywords are decided, you are now able to come up with the idea of your first video and its title. Once the video is shot and ready for publishing, you will need to write your video title. The video title should include your keyword as well as a solution to the problem the keyword speaks to. If the keyword phrase is “how to install a car exhaust” then the title could look like “How to Install a Car Exhaust: A Step by Step Walkthrough.” A clear title that includes your keyword focus and an answer to the end user’s problem is important for a great video on YouTube.
Your optimized title and video are completed. The next step is to take a look at the YouTube tags feature. YouTube’s tag feature allows the publisher to enter relevant keywords that aid the algorithm in where and when your video should appear. The tags should be super relevant to your topic to make sure the video appears in front of the right audience. Keep the number of tags under 12 and at least 6. Too many tags may hurt your search ranking on YouTube rather than help it.
The video is ready to go. Publish away! The job isn’t entirely done yet though. YouTube, like Google, will prioritize well-received content. There is a reason in descriptions of videos and within the videos themselves publishers ask to “like, comment, share, and subscribe.” The number of likes, comments, shares, and subscribes helps YouTube place its content in a favorable position. A video with a high amount will get your video placed above other videos in the pack. The best way to increase these metrics is by your content quality and offering great pieces of information that lead to discussion in the comments or in your next video.
Lastly, be sure your video has an eye-catching thumbnail. YouTube won’t dock you directly for a poor video thumbnail. However, a poor thumbnail can affect your clicks, which will affect your YouTube rankings. Be sure that the video thumbnail stands out and explains the topic you are trying to convey in the video. These tips can help out with your business by allowing you to capture a new audience from a different search engine.
If you have any questions or concerns about your organization’s current search engine optimization (SEO) practices, reach out to Accularis Marketing Solutions at 1-856-793-9440!