Now that your digital presence has a heartbeat with a functional website and social presence, it is time to move on to content marketing and how your content helps with search engine optimization (SEO). Early on, it can be tough developing your content style and figuring out what is the most valuable in terms of boosting your search engine ranking. One of the most valuable forms of content marketing is onsite blog writing. Whether you do it in-house or hire one of the many South Jersey marketing companies out there, here are some best practices for blog writing.
Ask Your Team What Customers Are Asking About
A blog post shouldn’t just be about throwing paragraphs together and slapping in a keyword or two. An onsite blog post should engage your target audience and give them a more in-depth look at what your company is all about. A blog post with high engagement will help blast out the backlink of the keyword way further. Topics matter. Your team is the first point of contact a lot of the time and fields the most questions from your clients. Your best bet is to ask what they see and generate topics from there.
Utilize Your Data
If your website and marketing campaign initiatives like email are set up properly, you should have a lot of useful data to work off of. Utilize this data to your advantage when creating onsite content. For example, your email marketing should have details on the open rate. Take a look at the products or services pushed in the emails with the highest open rates. Those are the products or services that already have proof that there is interest around them, and make the most sense to have a topic built around them. This will help with engagement and can be used as a resource to understand your offerings further.
Understand The Power Of Google
Google is the most powerful and important search engine out there. Google has a large array of tools that can help you learn more about your audience. Google Trends allows you to take a look at your keywords and check out their volume as well as other related topics that could help with creating rich content. At the bottom of Google’s SERP, a section for related content ideas and questions appear based on what you have searched. This section can be very helpful in brainstorming some quality topics.
Don’t Be Afraid To Use Long Keyword Phrases
A lot of the time, people avoid longer keyword phrases due to the feeling of them being too hyper-focused on a specific topic. However, a blog post can have a better click-thru rate and enhanced ability to convert if it answers a specific question that helps customers through the buying process. In this situation, longer keyword phrases are very useful if your blog answers specific questions. Longer keyword phrases can help rank for popular questions amongst potential consumers and directly answer their questions through a blog post.
These are some of the many ways to develop keyword-enriched content for your website. If you have any questions or concerns about your business’s marketing practices, reach out to Accularis Marketing Solutions at 856-793-9440!